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of coming to an arrangement but I did not know yet how to do it. Furthermore matter had to be submitted for approval to my fellow directors as to the details. That there was a considerable complication on account of successive income taxes etc. That I did not know how to group them but advised he should see Cooper or Swinburne and come to an understanding. That their mutual agreement in this matter was a subject rather too delicate for me to intervene. Therefore they should talk it over amongst themselves and let me know afterwards 
[[Vertical note in left margin: Meeting [[strikethrough]] of I [[/strikethrough]] with Major & Tunks and myself occured not on May 22 but on May 23 after I had met Swinburne, Cooper & Graesser & Dubois. [[/left margin]]
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May 23  At 10 A.M. met Cooper, Swinburne, Graesser & Dubois. - am to meet Major this afternoon separately. Graesser has become a stockholder in Damard Co and seems to be in very friendly terms with them Major and his Co. are large tar distillers and furnish raw material to Graesser. they also make formaldehyde. The reason Cooper does not want them is that Major and his partners told they wanted 1/7 share for their goodwill which consist mostly of imaginary assessed values. They (Major) have made "synthite" which fell flat and was not a success. We discussed broadly situation in view of their entanglements with Bakelite Gesellschaft. I suggest formation of a holding Co which then could