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in all about 24%  [[strikethrough]] Individual[[\strikethrough]]
Stockholders who get their dividends do not have to pay the normal income tax of 22% which has already been paid by the company only pay their surtax.  See further notes & typewritten sheet by Cooper.

May 25.  Have sent Cable to Celine that I shall probably [[strikethrough]] leave[[\strikethrough]] sail tomorrow.  Bought passage on SS. Paris of French Line sailing Sunday morning early from Plymouth.  Advised Celine to that effect.  In changing money I find I get less for American Gold than for American bills.

May 25.  Saturday.  Went waltzing all afternoon Hyde Park etc.  Well behaved orderly and crowd quiet crowds.  No loud speaking.  Contrasted
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with noisy crowds in our parks in U.S.
Left 10 A.M. Paddington station little English train.  Special sleeping cars reserved for steamer passengers.  Single compartments simple, but clean most comfortable, polite guards, very useful, far superior to blundering blustering clumsy continental sleeping car porters.  Everything running smoothly and pleasantly.  Good night's rest.

May 26 (Sunday)  Plymouth 
Arrived here at little station about 4 A.M.  Sleeping car porter had nice cup of coffee & bread ready.  Charges 1/6.  Then train goes further near wharf.  Cold and raw weather.  Pretty little port.  Good anchorage for yachts - one sloop yacht with trysail at anchor.  Steamer Paris anchored outside break-