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ready made from Rogers Peet.  Better fitting and better made than anything of the kind I saw in London or Europe, and at the relatively low price of $40.00 I am astonished how men's wear is so much better [[strikethrough]] than [[/strikethrough]] here than abroad. Supper at University Club Pupin, Bridges, Mathews, Ewing etc.
June 6. Went to Columbia Commencement. President Butler absent is in Europe. Sultry weather. [[strikethrough]] Bas [[/strikethrough]] Baseball game interrupted by thunderstorm and drenching rain. Altho' it is unusually hot I enjoy the warm weather after having had so much chilly weather during five months in Europe and Africa. Saw [[strikethrough]] Ce [[/strikethrough]] my son's house very agreeable and comfortable and pretty.
June 7.  Interview with Harold Bender about his work for his Ph.D.
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All day at home reading belated letters and answering some.  
[[strikethrough]] June 8. [[\strikethrough]] Professor George de Bothezat came to call, told me his troubles and lack of support at Dayton with his helicopter and wants some job or another as he is at the end of his resources. Introduced him to Dr. Miller Reese Hutchinson and put him in touch with Swan.
June 8.  Met ^[[with]] Townsend, Neave and George together the representatives of Schulte & Co who are willing to show the [[underline]] white [[/underline]] flag in the patent suit we started against them. But they want us to sell them pipe-stem blanks. [[strikethrough]] G [[/strikethrough]] My son hesitates to grant them the latter before further discussion among ourselves. Meeting adjourned until later. Then spent most of day at office etc. George Roll and my son have wonderfully picked