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up the affairs of Bakelite Corporation and what pertains to it and get along well with everybody. Berlitzheimer seriously ill so transparent material matters are [[strikethrough]] in charge [[/strikethrough]] thrown to George B. 
[[strikethrough]] June 9. [[/strikethrough]] Redman here from Chicago at my request. Long conference on all pending matters. They have done excellent research and development work in Chicago, particularly improved method for cardboard, cold molding and improved molding of grinding stones 
Explained to Redman European situation, our situation [[strikethrough]] as I [[/strikethrough]] here as I see it, how our excellent sales should not blind us to the absolute necessity of fortifying our position for the strenuous competition which we shall soon have to face when in a very few years our patents will run out. How as a matter of strategy we must 
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push the Canadian plant to its fullest extent - composite cardboard, cold molding etc etc. all things we cannot start here without getting into difficulties with our own customers who will probably drop us as soon as our patents expire, but who in the mean time would resent to the utmost if in the U.S. we started any plant which they might consider as competing with them. In the mean time if we desist we will lose all opportunity of improving our methods by commercial practice and thus forego any possible improvements in these arts. This will leave us helpless and way behind the day our patents expire. We must hurry in Canada in starting these developments, otherwise some others will start sooner, use our products and then claim vested rights of prior start if we should