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in converting glyserine + phenol in a resin by splitting the glyserine at sufficiently high temperature into acrolein which then reacts on the phenol. Same thing has happened with glycol. He is now trying nonsaturated hydrocarbons for instance ethylen etc.
As to Laurence Byck he has succeeded in incorporating tung oil in bakelite in such proportions as to obtain a flexible varnish which can be used for enamel wire coatings, tin cases etc. and which I told Redman to try it once for a veneering glue and furniture glue etc. A very interesting and busy day. Weather decidedly cool. Evening at Snug Rock the whole family here including grandchildren celebrating Celine's anniversary.
June 10. (Sunday)  Redman here
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for lunch, then after lunch drove him to Harmon to his Chicago train. Discussed many more matters at to policy and future work and as to he taking leadership in all our research department and its necessary development. We both agree entirely in every detail. Redman is undoubdetly an excellent acquisition, and his personality makes that everybody likes him. My son and George Roll have become his warm friends.
June 11.  All morning with Townsend about different pending matters. Townsend says he is so overburdened with work that before another year he will have to decide whether to give up Carbide or Bakelite. Carbide now pays him a salary of $20000 a year. He suggested that if he could buy more Bakelite