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July 17. Went all day aboard the Ion for a days rest. Lewis, Frederiksen and Dick have been busy on her over a week and she is about in shape. Tried details of rigging
July 18. Went to office. Told Goodbody to sell Northern Pacific and [[strikethrough]] Collan [[/strikethrough]] Americo Cotton oil Went to Dr. Duggan's office in relation to Soubras, then Carnegie foundation saw Dr. Fuerst Matter concerns Dr. M.M Butter will have to wait until he returns. Went to University Club for supper.
July 19. Lewis tells me valve seat and rocker arm blew out of one of the cylinder of engine of Ion Remained home all day Added sugar to current wine which seemed entirely fermented and tasted sour. New fermentation
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started same day and vigorous foaming toward evening
July 20. Left about 9 A.M for ION with eatables etc for short cruise Some engine trouble. Left moorings after lunch. engine heats up poor circulation. Hot weather. Dropt anchor before club Philipse Manor. Some sailing in dinghy
July 21. Left with sails across Tappen-Zee. New brails work very well Then sailed down river. Put on gas and water at Gulf Gasoline dock. Then dropt anchor before Yonkers Corinthian Y.C. Lewis went ashore for provisions. Very hot
July 22 (Sunday) Pleasant Northern breeze. Sailed down river to 130 st. Then tried motor Northward. Further trouble with engine heating. Cheerful sunny weather Then [[tacked?]] up ^[[Rainy squall]] As soon as motor [[strikethrough]] went [[/strikethrough]] worked worked up the river dropt anchor Piermont