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in electric stove at 37 [[degree symbol]] C. Distilled some of the old peach wine and find it contains 155 of alcohol (by volume). the following are the [[?]] obtained from 7000 c.c.
[[left margin]] 2 runs in five hours [[/left margin]]
          [[bracket]] %
700. cc. Vol. weight. Sp gr 0.900
        \  62%   58%
700  cc. - 54  - 46   0.926 0.986
350  cc.   34  - 28         0.960
350  cc    21  - 17         0.975
210.       11    9          0.985
2330 or about 1/3 by vol
Sp. gr. Hydrometer - 0.942
or 46% by vol. 39% by weight
46/3 = 15% vol. original Peach wine or 39/3 = 13% by weight
[[underline]] Sunday. Sept.9.1923 [[/underline]] Very busy all morning belated correspondence and other matters. marvelous weather
[[strikethrough]] Monday. Sept 10. 1923 [[/strikethrough]]
George got 2 barrels of grape juice from Taylor Grape Juice Co. Hammondsport. N.Y type Porturne. He added the culture last Tuesday but there was no fermentation. The sugar contents
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by hydrometer give sp. gr. cooresponding to 32% of sugar.
In order to determine what is the matter I took some of the grape juice and put it in incubator at about 37 [[degree symbol]] C, it started same day Then put it in barrel but no result
Sept 10 (Monday) bought an electric heater which I dipped in barrel to heat it to about 30 [[degree symbol]] C.
Went to office afternoon. George has wired that he has grip and cannot come back
Sept 11. All day in office. Copies of m article on Noah, Pasteur and homebrew are being made by mimeograph.
Met Hays. etc: Lunch at Century. Supper at University Club Mr. Piet well again After supper spent evening with W.H. Nichols who was alone at U.C. Back home about 11 P.M. Smelled grape-juice. Fermentation had