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Put 65 kilos of crushed grapes in barrel.
Have had no news from George B since Monday and feel rather worried. - Wired him
Sept 16. [[underline]] (Sunday) [[/underline]] Last night received answer by wire George is better
George Roll reports his barrel has started fermenting after 12 day.
At home all day. night but chilly weather.
Sept. 17. Feel chilled and feverish Grapes have started fermentation George came back this morning says he is all right.
I went to office. Admiral Smith there. Long discussion with George B&R on Embed art situation versus other fancy good mfes.
Went to Chemical Show. Our stand specially interesting by Chicago additions. Ran thru exhibition with George B. Home 6:35 P.M.
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Sept. 18. Added 9.75 kilos sugar to fermenting grapes. This was dissolved in enough hot water to dissolve it. Abundant foaming. Temperature now is about 22-23 [[degree symbol]] C
To office, long talk with Allan Brown on advertising. and with Gordon Brown on his future duties Lunch at Chemists Club with Wyeth and supper at University Club.
Sept 19. Mrs. Baskerville and her sister here for lunch. [[strikethrough]] Celin Wrote [[/strikethrough]] Very busy writing several matters.
Celine returns to camp to day. Evening went to dinner of Am. Institute Chemical Engineers Park Ave Hotel Long talk about boats with Henry Howard at N Y Yacht Club. Trouble with Packard car returning home
Sept 20. Meeting Executive com. of Bakelite Corporation