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immediately Sanford Brown to Phenol plant to act as a nurse for Houghton and get things in shape.  Questioned Chamberlin on this subject he says Sanford Brown is the man [[strikethrough]] Lunch so [[/strikethrough]] Surveyed situation in Bloomfield. gave orders not to do anything with big second story until further order.
Sandwiches while motoring to Perth Amboy. Rossi away. Went to see cresol distilling plant.  New building and dock repair going on. do not remember Rossi asking for appropriation
Inspected large adjacent plant of R & H.
Shannon shows samples of transparent made with ethylphtalate  Motored back in time for supper.  Begin to come to conclusion that it will be safer to
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go slowly before changing or moving or building our different plants.  We should utilize second story of Bloomfield for additional research but leave transparent departments in Chicago and Perth Amboy as they are until we know better of our future. -- [[strikethrough] say [[/strikethrough]] which may be influenced by many factors before long  Yet formaldehyde plant could be moved to our phenol plant as soon as the latter is running well.  But we do not know yet how CH2Cl2 and laminated plant may have to modify our plans.
[[underlined]] Nov. 17. [[/underlined]] Remained home attending to belated matters Long telephone call first to Rossi to explain him why I think Sanford Brown ought