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Nov. 20. Flynn [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] came to meet me at Century Club to ask me whether I would accept to serve as member of United Engineering Council of the Federation of Engineering Societies as successor to Hobart Porter. Told him am too busy have to decline honor but recommended Arthur D. Little. Supper at University Club
[[underlined]] Nov 21 [[/underlined]] 
        All day in New York
Nov 22.      "       "
Nov. 23. Went to Faculty Club for lunch. Then meeting Faculty Pure Science. Then talk with Jackson and McKee. Latter explains present situation of his methanol synthetic process. Then visited Bogert, told him of my disappointment in finding Kerr so unprepared on general knowledge of Organic Chemistry. 
He agrees with me.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Evening annual dinner of Tau Beta Pi at Columbia University Club. Morecroft toastmaster. I addressed the members on the duties and opportunities of the Engineer [[strikethrough]] towards Societie [[/strikethrough]] in our modern Society, also reviewed biography of Pupin and compared with that of Steinmetz. Drove back home with Morecroft, Lincoln Work, Hickson, Fink Gyss.
Nov. 24. To office all morning 
Football, Army & Navy etc.
Nov. 25. (Sunday} Home all day.
Nov. 26. Long session with Karpen and Schleussner preliminary to formal Executive meeting 
Agree on policy, on dividends on bonus, and on accepting policies outlined in my long letter Karpen and Schleussner try to make me commit myself

Transcription Notes:
Adolph Karpen Philip Schleussner