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he had to put special stress on the future interests of Bakelite Corporation which would soon be dependent on cheap raw materials as soon as thru lapse of its patents we would be confronted with vigorous competition. He asked Schleussner whether R&H had taken a decision in regard to their offer. Schleussner answered that no decision can be taken until Karpen can give the necessary information as to what their patents published pending and in preparation really cover. That Carveth had suggested that it would be rather delicate to proceed further until all of them were ready to put their cards on the table so as to avoid
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any future bickerings or claims to priority. That R&H chemists Lacey and others had for years been engaged in the very same lines of research. That they even had built a $800000 synthetic methanol plant in West Virginia [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] which at present does not operate except experimentally. That as soon as wood alcohol prices jump us again they would start again their synthetic plant. Karpen said the Carter-Cox process allows to work as soon as wood alcohol prices exceed 62ยข per gal. Schleussner doubts this. Finally Schleussner suggests Karpen should put his patent situation in such a shape that he can put his cards on the table [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] same as R&H and then situation can be discussed and an agreement