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December 1. All morning at office. Afternoon went to see Otis Skinner in Sancho Pancha 
Sent 300 francs (about $14) to 't Zal wel Gaan by Camiel De Bruyne.
Dec. 2 1923 (Sunday) Here all day.
Dec. 3. Monday. Told to Swan, Bakelite ad in Globe n.g.
Dec 4 (Tuesday) Delivered to Goodbody Geo B. certificate 100 shares Pr Steel Pfd sold at 84 ^[[84]]
Dec. 5. Hays and Briggs and George Baekeland discussing Life Insurance policy for me
Dec.6. Briggs here again this morning. Then Thomas Robbins about his wine. Took him to Century Club.
Dec. 7. Office in morning. Saw Ibsen's Play "Enemy of the People" admirably rendered in Russian by Moscow troupe 
Evening was guest of Engineering
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division of National Research Council - dinner at University Club
Jowett, Kettering, Whitney, Skinner, Little Munroe etc there.
Dec. 8. Went to ION, which is now out and under cover. Very mild weather. Afternoon to N.Y. to see a drama called "Rain."
Dec. 9. (Sunday). Here all day
Dec 10. Went to box to transfer all securities (except Bakelite) now in George Baekeland's name to my own as well as that of Nina in view of the fact that both George Baekeland and George Roll have now a large income by their salary
Dec. 11. Gave order to Goodbody to sell 200 Linseed oil com. and delivered certificates of Nina for sale and one Baldwin Locomotive Pf to be retransferred to my name