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Dec. 17. Here all morning.  Gordon Brown came to ask to raise his salary. Told him he was paid more than men of much greater responsibility. That he had been scarcely here one month and already asked for a raise. That it was the principle of this company to raise compensation long before giving an opportunity for asking for it, and to do this voluntarily because the company knows it wants the full good will and best efforts of everybody. That if he wanted a raise he should write me a letter to that effect giving the reasons so that I could submit it to Executive Committee. That however
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I know that executive committee will be rather astonished to receive a request of the kind after we have had such scant opportunity to observe the value of his work. Somewhat longer period may give us better chance to judge. That in Bloomfield they had been "overmanned" and [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] he had not had much opportunity to compare his usefulness He was now put in a position where he could show his worth. Under the conditions I left it to him to judge whether his letter at present should be written.
This evening I listened to Radio till late in the evening. An excellent lecture commemorating Wright's