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a set back to Shrimpe. Nor do I see any advantage in uprooting Turkington from Chicago where he is satisfied and well established and has every scope for future advancement, while Shrimpe is in Perth Amboy in his own surroundings and not a stranger to our men at the factory.
Had a talk with Hall telling him we are rather disappointed with the fact that he does not seem to have found better scope for usefulness. To tell me any suggestions if he knows how he could put himself to better use.
Bought 9 copies of Pupin's book.  Send one
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each to Frédéric Swarts, Pirenne Remouchamps, De Bruyne, V. d. Stricht, Karpen, Library of University Ghent, Baron de Cartier (Belgian Ambassador). The latter called me up at my office to express again his desire to see me in Washington for lunch or dinner any time I am there.
Dec. 19.  Received notification that I have been elected president of American Chemical Society. This is the first time I have not withdrawn. In 1912 I withdrew in order to enable Arthur D. Little to be elected it did not seem proper that on the year of the International Congress of Applied Chemistry to be [[strikethrough]] celebrated in New Y [[/strikethrough]] held in New York, there should be a foreign born