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and fighting about their toys and using them to fight with. - A picture of humanity. Then pretty soon all dead tired and yet not wanting to sleep.
The Rolls and the George Baekelands here [[strikethrough]] for lu [[/strikethrough]] at noon.
Evening George Roll brings his brother Gerald along. An unusually tall angulous man of 21 looks 35 with enormous hands and ditto feet.
Dec. 26. Went to bank to sell stocks now in the name of Nina or re-transfer some to me. Very busy day.
Dec. 27. Letters of congratulation about my election as president begin to arrive more numerously also telegrams
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Went to bank to sell Tobacco Products securities
Took out 300 shares SoPacific
100 Am.Tobacco
27+95+20 = 132 sh. Am.Tob.B.con all in exchange for 500 shares of Roessler Hasslacher Stock 
A very busy day again!
Dec. 28. Another busy day. [[strikethrough]] Met [[/strikethrough]] Meeting Hays
Dec. 29. Went to office early as usually. Paid Geo. B and Geo. R. each $5875 additional for services.
Dec. 30 (Sunday) This afternoon had joint meeting with both Georges in my room about their accounts. - To my astonishment I find that George Roll has a joint account with Nina. Told him this is not well suited and may lead to serious trouble. Later on found this has offended