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strong handicap to him and makes him illsuited for anything but routine work. His preliminary education has been much neglected and unless he tries to make up for this by self study he will always remain handicapped, as compared to George Baekeland who is quick in comprehension and quiet in action and broad in judgement, and incomparably better informed about almost everything. Let us hope that a few years more experience will change their short-comings. Otherwise George Roll is a man of splendid character and fine purposes - only lacks knowledge, quick-wit and quiet action. I can explain to George Baeke-
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land more in 3 minutes than in 3 days to George Roll and the latter seems astonished that I am not willing to lose my time in taking his advice or discussing matters with him beyond routine business This evening the Rolls and the George Baekelands here for supper. - Before supper had a personal interview with George Roll which was mutually very satisfactory and agreeable. He evidently had not grasped the situation as it really was and had been carried away by misunderstanding me. The whole thing is now terminated in a friendly way and with sincere mutual good will. It is a good thing a necessary thing sometimes to frankly