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One of his guests showed moving pictures of [[strikethrough]] Nio [[/strikethrough]] Tunisia.
Jan 10. Baldwin at office long talk with George about his will. Dr. Herty here also at office. Talk about Ass. of Synthetic Organic Mfrs. Showed him letter I intend to write so as to prevent offending him, which I certainly do not desire to do. - He understands.
My photos of Monday are all very good. This gives me a new portrait. Latest was made about 1912.
Jan 11. This evening made short address congratulation to Frederick M. Beckett Parker Medalist. Townsend made an excellent address. A very pleasant evening.
Jan 12.  Very busy morning at 
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office. Then went to University Club lunch to listen to an excellent address by Senator Wadsworth on the subject of the dangerous and unconstitutional methods which have been used in forcing by a minority, the late amendments to the Constitution of the U.S. and showing ways for preventing such abuses in the future.
Jan. 13. [[underline]] 1924. [[/underline]] (Sunday) At home all day. Spent all [[strikethrough]] Jan 14 [[/strikethrough]] afternoon signing Employment Contract Blanks and finishing Income Tax returns and packing. Very tired.  Geo B. and Cornelia here.
Jan 14. [[strikethrough]] More [[/srikethrough]] Tonight am leaving for Florida. Hectic day signing more blanks for employment contracts and finishing Tax returns