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Jan 28. Rain and squalls in morning. Afternoon went to [[red underline]] Coconut Grove. [[/red underline]] Long interesting talk with [[red underline]] Commodore Munroe [[/red underline]] on shallow draft boats. His secret seems to be to try them first with plenty of [[red underline]] gravel ballast, [[/red underline]] then to replace the gravel with permanent [[red underline]] lead ballast. [[/red underline]] Telegram from [[red underline]] George Baekeland [[/red underline]] inquiring whether shall engage [[red underline]] experience radio men. [[/red underline]] ^[[Brown]] Assistant of Burger asks [[red underline]] $12000 a [[/red underline]] year. Answered no use a man who can start on less until we find out what he amounts to.
Jan 29. Chartered Adiliak with Capt. J.M. Truro [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] a motor boat (paid $35 for the day). Went outside then to [[red underline]] Fairchild's [[/red underline]] house. and took them to Miami dock. Then drove all back to Coconut
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Grove where had supper with them at their house.
[[underline]] Jan 30. [[/underline]] Took bus to Lauderdale to see [[red underline]] Pilkington's [[/red underline]] new Yacht Yard. It is quite a distance form the town about 2 miles situated in wild lands which are now being developed. Pines, palmetto's etc. seem very fertile land and is easy to clear. Good soil. Tomatoes being planted also Avocado, oranges etc His new yard is enormous and is over a side branch of New River which is 28 feet deep here. Yard is roofed and protected sidewards against sun and rain with corrugated iron. Very queer to see such a structure in the midst of wild land. He tells one there are alligators around