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everywhere in the river near by. Several hotels at [[red underline]] Lauderdale [[/red underline]] - one rather pretentious. Had lunch there. then back to Miami
Jan 31. Bought my ticket for [[red underline]] Havana [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] and packed trunks this morning
Evening at9 P.M on board train for key West that leaves at 4:00 A.M Only upper berth left.
Feb 1. 1924. Pleasant weather calm sea. Boat left Key West 10:45 A.M. instead of 10. AM. Many passengers; look like hay-seeds most of them.
Shriners & Babbits! mostly Wisconsin, Chicago and Ohio. S.S. Cuba runs between 16-17 knots. (16.25 knots on log) against Golf stream
Pass the Harbor Entrance 4:15 P.M
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Notice several tall new buildings since my last visit 1915
Got double room with bath at Hotel Ingletina for $10.00 per day. [[left margin]] Conzales? manager [[/left margin]] Since new Seville Biltmore and other new hotels this Ingleterra seems less in demand.
Feb. 2. Up early. Walked and drove around. Streets seem dirtier than 10 years ago.
Bakelite-Realite pens sold here as "Edison pens"!
Cigar and cigarette holders marked [[underline]] Amber Legitimo [[/underline]] sold 50-60-80c all [[underline]] Bakelite [[/underline]] Wired my address to Celine Quite a stir and crowded streets near hotel this evening a Charity ball. Everybody around. I heard the guests of the hotel in Restaurant till 5.A.M.