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[[red underline]] Frederic Sevarts [[/red underline]] wrote me a very nice letter of congratulations about [[red underline]] Presidency of Am. Chem. Society [[/red underline]] Just before going to bed got a cable from Celine that [[red underline]] Hecht [[/red underline]] has left for New York to see me and agree on settlement of my German Claims.
Wired her back I do not want to see him but George and Schleussner should listen to him. - I shall try to get away from here to get less accessible so as not to be bored with those Germans. As a cash matter the whole thing is uninteresting to me. [[red underline]] All that I want [[/red underline]] is specially to insure the healthy future of develop-
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ment of [[red underline]] Bakelite Corporation [[/red underline]] in America.
Feb. 9. Northern wind. Cool but very pleasant and bright
Sent another long cable of instruction to Celine for George in regard to [[red underline]] Hecht [[/red underline]] also wishes to Nina. Lunch with [[red underline]] Dr. Judson Daland [[/red underline]] and Mr & Mrs. Walker.
Feb 10 (Sunday) Wrote letters to [[red underline]] Frederic Swarts. [[/red underline]] Lunch with [[red underline]] de Cartier. [[/red underline]] he told me of the incident in Washington of his american [[red underline]] wife [[/red underline]] who had [[red underline]] refused to sit next to German Ambassador. [[/red underline]]
Feb 11. Another beautiful day Bad report of [[red underline]] Morecroft [[/red underline]] about electrical properties for Radio panels etc. Long walk. Bought ticket for [[red underline]] Santiago. [[/red underline]] Lunch at Seville. Telegram to Yonkers Evening Colonel [[red underline]] Ralph Mershon [[/red underline]]