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arrived with a Mr. Herman A. Tingley. 64 Roland ave Baltimore Md. a business man of unusual versatility, speaks any number of languages seems to be posted on engineering and scientific subjects - all self-taught.
[[strikethrough]] Drove to [[/strikethrough]] Evening met [[red underline]] Oxnard [[/red underline]] and his [[Companion?]] of [[red underline]] Savanah Ga [[/red underline]] Later on went to roof Garden of Seville-Biltmore. to see the dancing. Am struck with the sober decorum of everything going on. - everybody looks serious and keeps on dancing as if it were a serious piece of business to perform. No sign of over drinking in fact most of the American men and women drink soft-drinks. Who would have thought so?
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Feb 12 Beautiful bright pleasant weather. Left for [[red underline]] Santiago. [[/red underline]] about noon. Station clean, practical well designed and well kept orderly. white and blacks - no noise, no excitement, compares favorably with continental Europe. Little train well run altho' slow. Sleeping cars simple but good. [[red underline]] (See my former observation of March 1915 when I was first in Cuba). [[/red underline]] There is a buffet where simple dishes hot or cold and beer or rhum can be obtained Not the slightest sign of drunkenness or intemperance. Rather "jumpy" track
Feb 13. Up early. Good sleep arrive [[red underline]] Camaquey. [[/red underline]] They are still using [[red underline]] mahogany sleepers [[/red underline]]