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and has been living there for a number of years, is full of information. No tourists here. [[red underline]] All business men or engineers. [[/red underline]] Sailed at 2:30 P.M. I find the other [[red underline]] cabin is occupied [[/red underline]] by a negro family. So that the three other passengers 2 american [[strikethrough]] Jewish [[/strikethrough]] Jews and one [[red underline]] English engineer (Boxer) [[/red underline]] have to sleep on deck. Trusted Boxer to take one of the berths in my cabin. Very pleasant man, served thru the war. Strong easterly so [[red underline]] boat rolls considerably [[/red underline]] till 1 A.M when we change our course.
[[red underline]] Captain [[/red underline]] and crew all [[red underline]] Scandinavians. [[/red underline]] Supercargo is an Englishman. Got soon acquainted with all and spent most time on bridge
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As everybody but Boxer was [[red underline]] seasick, [[/red underline]] our meal was like a little family affair where we talked ships navigation etc. was [[red underline]] more like a yachting party. [[/red underline]] 
Evening the purser gave me the story of his life. - peace and war.
Feb 17 (Sunday) arrive in [[red underline]] Kingston Harbor [[/red underline]] early. Quiet warm weather. Decidedly warmer than Florida or Cuba. Physician's inspection for [[red underlina]] small pox. [[/red underline]] Vaccinated 2 americans. - 2 middle west young jewish merchants altho' they had recent vaccination certificate from their board of health Dept because they showed no scars. I escaped it altho I had no scar to show

Transcription Notes:
A Supercargo is a merchant-ship officer who is in charge of the cargo and the commercial concerns of the voyage.