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national Company, a well informed young man who seems to know everybody I know
[[red underline]] Kingston [[/red underline]] is decidedly warmer than Florida or Cuba, altho thermometer seldom goes above 80°F in my room but there seems ^[[to be]] more moisture. On the other hand there is always a good breese  
All in all pleasant climate. Went to [[strikethrough]] Consul [[/strikethrough]] American Consul his name: [[red underline]] Honaker, [[/red underline]] vice consul = [[red underline]] Pope, [[/red underline]] both very pleasant and both Virginians. Honaker last post was Delagoa bay. Pope has had 12 posts thus far altho he is only 25 year old
There is an International Tennis match, and a group of American [[red underline]] Tennis players [[/red underline]]
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have arrived. Went to Liguana Country Club to see them. Cheerful gathering much more pleasant than similar functions in U.S when there are too great crowds.
Evening met [[red underline]] Newell Martin [[/red underline]] and his wife at hotel, also Mr. McCreath and his wife (Harrisburg Pa) who is a chemist.
Wrote letter to [[red underline]] George Baekeland [[/red underline]] authorizing him to sign [[red underline]] my signature [[/red underline]] on document of Charter for newly created [[red underline]] Pennsylvania Section of American Chemical Society [[/red underline]] 
Feb. 20. Tourists drive in here as a procession in motor cars from Port Antonio just take lunch then