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the U.S as a young man. was a [[red underline]] wood carver [[/red underline]] by trade  Roberts says he was [[red underline]] a hunchback [[/red underline]]
Feb 24 (Sunday) Got telegram from [[red underline]] George Roll that Nina [[/red underline]] has a son.
[[red underline]] Roberts [[/red underline]] came to fetch me at 9 A.M to go to [[red underline]] Royal Jamaica Yacht Club [[/red underline]] where I found O'Toole who just came from mass, and other members starting Sunday with [[red underline]] Rhum punches [[/underlined]] and telling stories.
[[red underline]] O'Toole [[/red underline]] had to still a riot lately when a British and an American man of war were in port. The Americans started showing their contempt [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] for the Volstead act by buying rum and soon were [[strikethrough]] eno [[/strikethrough]] mixed up with
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the British sailors. All went well until one started to raise the question: [[red underlined]] "Who won the war?" [[/red underline]] Pretty soon afterwards empty and full bottles were whizzing thru the air and a free hand battle ensued. [[red underline]] Broken bones, bleeding heads, ambulance [[/red underline]] and constabulary called in. Colored police driven off. one of them ran as fast as he could to O'Toole's prison.  The old lively Irishman jumped in made a speech in Irish, then [[strikethrough]] forbade [[/strikethrough]] tabooed for all future any further talk about "who won the war".
Feb 25. Went to bank for $200 exchange 1£ = 4.33.
Got a heap of mail. [[red underline]] Letters George Baekeland, George Roll, Celine, Mory etc. [[/red underline]]  Feel very happy to see [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] how the [[/red underline]]