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by nigger band of Jamaica Imperial Regiment.
Wear flashy red jackets and white turbans and play American airs and Star spangled banner in the palm garden of hotel - a violent pouring rain, which stops after awhile.
March 1. 1924. Have been [[strikethrough]] writing [[/strikethrough]] making sketch for an [[red underline]] editor in Journal of Ind. & Engineering Chemistry [[/red underline]] which Howe urged me to write. finished first draft to day. [[red underline]] "Our Field" [[/red underline]] The officers of the Americans ships are appearing. 
Evening a [[strikethrough]] reo very [[/strikethrough]] ball at the Myrtle hotel where British officer and American officers are well represented Many ladies - A brilliant
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affair and [[strikethrough]] very de the [[/strikethrough]] again I notice the decorum [[red underline]] with which all this is conducted [[/red underline]] All important people of Kingston also Governor [[strikethrough]] and Sir [[/strikethrough]] Probyn and Lady Probyn and guests. I notice that [[red underline]] our American Navy officers now [[/red underline]] wear the same white linen little jacket for evening dress in the tropics as the British adopted long ago.
All officers wear black morning band on sleeve and the flag is still flying half mast as the U.S. Consulate [[red underline]] since the death of Wilson [[/red underline]] I believe some of the political opponents of Wilson [[red underline]] begin to feel ashamed of themselves as to what they did against a man of lofty ideals [[/red underline]] and great [[strikethrough]] courage [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] moral courage. [[/red underline]]