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[[red underline]] crack brained [[/red underline]] who goes to [[red underline]] see for the fun of it. [[/red underline]]
At 1 1/2 P.M I set out in [[red underline]] Abrahams touring car [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] (motor) [[/strikethrough]] (Paige) for a tour around the Island. Baggage is in the rear and I sit next to chauffeur who looks like an Italian but who is of [[red underline]] coolie [[/red underline]] parentage Speaks very little and drives well. Roads near Kingston are rather dirty and uninteresting, further on the shore road becomes very pleasing Many Coconut and Banana plantations all along the dented shore. Roads are good but narrow and winding in many of the bights I see a number of [[red underline]] dugouts, [[/red underline]] or pirogues, made [[strikethrough]] fir [[/strikethrough]] by digging out the cotton tree (Ceiba) trunks. They are 
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provided [[red underline]] with paddles [[/red underline]] and an oar. The hull has good lines The man in the stern uses the paddle for paddling and steering, while another man sitting in the middle handles one oar lashed to a wooden peg instead of an oarlock in the [[red underline]] same way as is usual on the Nile [[/red underline]] or on the Mediterranean.
Several caves in rocky shore. Rock is white lime stone, similar to Florida Keys. also Coral Port Morant seems to be good fishing place altho' they tell me Black River and Falmouth are better
Most of the country stores are run by [[red underline]] chinese. [[/red underline]]  notice also quite a number of [[red underline]] Hindoos [[/red underline]] men and women.
The trip reminds one of the