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Italian Riviera but for the fact that coconuts, palms, bamboo huts and ramshackle houses replace the more pretentious Italian villas.
Arrived at [[red underline]] Fitchfield Hotel in Port Antonio [[/red underline]] before sunset [[red underline]] Hendrick [[/red underline]] and his uncle Horace have left there. Uncle Horace and his sour pikerish ways have been the jokes of everybody around the hotel. - Was greeted and welcomed immediately by the Frasers and the Martines and got acquainted with [[red underline]] Sir Charles Sackville-West [[/red underline]] who is traveling with his [[strikethrough]] recen recently [[/strikethrough]] american wife recently married. He was a Colonel or a General in the British Army in 
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India during the war. Both of them pleasant people He has been all over the world and is very interesting.
General celebration of my arrival. [[red underilne]] Hendrick [[/red underline]] seems to have given me a great reputation
The [[red underline]] hotel [[/red underline]] has an [[red underline]] excellent [[/red underline]] situation, much more pleasant than Myrtle Bank, beautiful views, and quiet neighborhood There is excellent swimming near by [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in beautiful clean water - No sharks here.
Hotel is older than the new Myrtle Bank but has rooms with bath attached
The little port is well sheltered and there are few ships. which makes it very quiet and pleasant I notice mosquito gauze over