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also a tolerable hotel. queerly situated in small street but very roomy place. old mansion of former estate Port seems good for small craft. At 6:30 arrive at [[red underline]] Montego Bay - Ethel Hart Hotel. The Frasers and the Martins [[/red underline]] there, all give me cheerful welcome. Got [[strikethrough]] open ol d [[/strikethrough]] simple but clean cheerful room. Whole place well run, [[red underline]] clean and cheerful by Miss Hart [[/red underline]] who bosses the whole gang of nigger and makes them hustle and behave. Excellent service Best place yet.
[[underline]] March 12 [[/underline]] Pleasant bright weather. [[red underline]] Two schooners at anchor. [[/red underline]] Anchorage rather exposed and schooners are rolling in the swell. Dietz told me
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there is a better shelter for small boats but others tell me it is a difficult of access. The hotel stands on a hill and dominates the harbor. Rates 1 [[pound symbol]] a day board included. Excellent swimming facilities about one mile from hotel. Pleasant beach, very clear water. no sharks. [[strikethrough]] Mr [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Fraser [[/red underline]] in diving hurts his foot ankle seems sprained but he hops along cheerfully.
Afternoon a drive to the [[red underline]] old manor Rose Hall a haunted manor of the Palmers. [[/red underline]] and the lurid legends of [[red underline]] Rose Palmers who murdered or poisoned several husbands. [[/red underline]] Place is rather dilapidated and much the worse for white ants corrosive action. In