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the wind. We continue on way to Black River along a road skirting the shore in time for lunch [[red underline]] Waterloo Hotel, run by Mrs. Levy, is a rather neglected place. [[/red underline]] W.C not working, service very poor, by stupid badly trained help. Cooking ditto.  Everything seems rather neglected and badly kept up, altho' Mrs. Levy is very friendly to her customers. Only 2 other men, bank clerks, around. Afternoon went to hire a dug out to [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] go up Black River. Find river is 30 miles long and is known for fishing. 
Negro boy paddles. River is sluggish clear greenish water, but in a swampy 
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districts - mangroves and swampy meadows. I feel no mosquitoes but am told there are quite some towards evening so cut my trip short. I notice that [[red underline]] many of the niggers are tipsy. [[/red underline]] I suppose Saturday is their day for investing in Rum.
River is reported to be 6 feel deep and about 12 feet above the bar. A permanent bridge near the mouth makes navigation impossible except for rowboats or dugouts.
[[underline]] March 16 [[/underline]] (Sunday) 
I am pretty well [[red underline]] tired of this Waterloo Hotel [[/red underline]] notwithstanding the garrulous praise some of its guests (British) have written in its visitors book.
Left about 9:00 A.M. and now

Transcription Notes:
I continue to notice that when he ends a sentence at the end of line, he doesn't use a period. Final editors should consider putting it in to improve the flow of the reading.