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evening. Pleasant sunny climate. One or two mosquitoes in my room during the night
[[underline]] March 17 [[/underline]] Up early. Bright and pleasant. Walk thru town only a very few buildings scattered about. Hotel charges [[red underline]] 1 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[strikethrough]] £ [[/red underline]] one days board and lodging
Left 11:30 AM for [[red underline]] Moneaque via Kendal and Brownstown [[/red underline]] Pretty road passing several small towns of which Brownstown is the largest. This is [[red underline]] St. Ann's parish [[/red underline]] and looks more like some English landscape with its rolling meadows and big trees and cattle grazing.
Hotel [[red underline]] Moneaque run [[large red X in left margin]] by Ben Oliphant, brother of Donald Oliphant is beautifully situated [[/red underline]] and is a big empty box rather
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cheerless and has few visitors. [[red underline]] no telephone connection [[/red underline]] with anywhere but has a [[red underline]] Delco electric light [[/red underline]] plant There seems to be shortage of water and the W.C go on strike once in awhile. But dining room outside is cheerful and clean. This ought to be a [[red underline]] good place for horseback riding [[/red underline]]  but I see no one doing it. There is a pleasant golf-course. All in all there are only about 8 or 12 guests. Except [[red underline]] Montego [[/red underline]] all these hotels have most [[red underline]] of their rooms empty [[/red underline]]. Same applies to [[red underline]] Titchfield hotel [[/red underline]] and even to [[red underline]] Myrtle Bank [[/red underline]].  The latter charge very high prices and the others are cheerless and poorly kept We are only two americans