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here, others are Jamaican or English or Scotch.

[[underlined]] March 18. [[/underlined]]  Pleasant night. Fog in early morning which disappears before rising sun 
Left at 2.00P.M for [[red underlined]] Kingston over Mount Diabolo. [[/red underlined]] Pretty roads at first then it gets dirtier. Then along Bog-Walk and [[red underlined]] Rio Cobre River [[/red underlined]] the latter [[red underlined]] very pretty [[/red underlined]]. Should be done walking instead of driving. Then Port Antonio then very dusty and much traveled road to [[red underlined]] Kingston Entrance to Kingston [[/red underlined]] looks squalid and dirty and ill kept to extreme. [[margin, in red]] X [[/margin, in red]] [[red underlined]] Kingston itself is the least interesting of all places on the Island. Montego [[/red underlined]] Bay and its hotel seem most pleasant 
[[red underlined]] Port Antonio and its hotel 

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is [[red underlined]] decidedly better than Kingston and Myrtle Bank Hotel altho' the latter is more modern [[/red underlined]] 
Arrived at hotel 4:15 P.M. A bunch of letters waiting for me 
Spent part of night reading and answering them. [[margin, vertically in red]] George B [[/margin]] 
An excellent letter of [[red underlined]] George on yellow pad paper giving his opinion as to the advisability of extending our phenol. plant on which we are depending and [[/red underlined]] building a duplicate plant as [[red underlined]] insurance even at considerable cost [[/red underlined]].
Went to [[red underlined]] Yacht Club [[/red underlined]] cheerful welcome there.
March 19. [[red underlined]] Merston [[/red underlined]] is here in hotel Opposite of my old room #17. There are two drunken despicable looking specimens of humanity who start noise at 1 P.M and tart again at 5 A.M. [[red underlined]] Evidently drunk.[[/red underlined]]