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individuals. That the side-stepping action of Germany has bred distrust in America
That the attitude of Germany as to the expected recommendations of the [[red underline]] Davies commission [[/red underline]] may decide me and others how to proceed further 
He proposes an [[red underline]] international Bakelite Co controled from New York. Told him such is impossible for the moment [[/red underline]] when all Europe is at loggerheads and in such an unsettled state. He asks me whether in the future such would be possible 
I answered him that all depends what the future is.
Told him [[red underline]] our resentment of [[/red underline]] seeing [[red underline]] Hecht Pfeifferd Co in [[/red underline]] litigation with Bakelite Corporation on the subject of [[strikethrough]] Arge [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] South American [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] trade-Mark of Bakelite. [[/red underline]] He said he did not know anything about and and promised firmly to give order to stop any such action. He wants another meeting for monday.
At 11. AM [[red underline]] further executive meeting [[/red underline]] then recess till 2:30 P.M and 2d executive meeting till 5:30 PM 
Then I went to [[red underline]] annual meeting of University Club. [[/red underline]] - Cheerfully greeted by all my friends. Home with 10:40 P.M train, strenuous day and feel tired
March 30 1924 (Sunday) Home all day reading heap of belated correspondence several [[red underline]] letters form Belgium 
Valensi [[/red underline]] here for dinner at noon. - My home made wines have much improved since I left
March 31. All morning at [[red underline]] Townsend's [[/red underline]] office with