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[[red underline]] home-made wine [[/red underline]] from my own grapes along. General approval then to Century Club lecture. Drove home with Dr. Hovey
April 6. (Sunday) Home all day
April 7. All day at office 
Visit of [[red underline]] Takamine Jr [[/red underline]] and representative of Shiohara in presence of George Baekeland and Redman. Celine took us home in motor car
April 8. Club night at University Club annual meeting
April 9. At office all day. [[red underline]] Wightman [[/red underline]] came to visit George B. had a talk with him
[[red underline]] Nichola [[/red underline]] the butler left in a hurry. - Too many nurses and children around to day and he lost his head and resigned. - No wonder -
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April 10. Went to University Club for lunch with [[red underline]] Hendrick [[/red underline]] who wants to become curator of Chandler Museum [[/red underline]]
April 11. Went to dentist to have teeth cleaned
April 12. Home all day
April 13 (Sunday) Ditto
April 14. Faculty Applied Science Meeting. 
Evening dinner of [[red underline]] Cruising Club of [[/red underline]] America at Harvard Club. Very interesting: [[red underline]] Nutting and Hillebrandt [[/red underline]] are going to [[red underline]] Norway to take [[/red underline]] their [[strkethrough]] fore a [[/strikethrough]] double-ender pilot ketch and [[red underline]] sail home by Viking route. [[/red underline]] Long and interesting discussion of dimensions and rig of the "double-ender" Dreamship.
[[strikethrough]] April 15. [[/strikethrough]] Paid my State Taxes by [[strikethrough]] Special deliv [[/strikethrough]] registered letter