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Then drove them to the Waldorf Astoria while I went to sleep on night train for Washington. First real sleep since about one week
[[underline]] April 28 [[/underline]] Went to stay at [[red underline]] Cosmos Club. Dedication of new building of the National Research Council, but the National Academy of Sciences. [[/red underline]] Very impressive dignified yet simple ceremony. Addresses excellent - so is the style of the building. President [[red underline]] Coolidge [[/red underline]] in plain business clothes. Made a simple but impressive address. Met many friends I had not seen since a long time.
Evening a formal reception and supper. Left early to go to bed and get some rest.
April 29. Went to [[red underline]] Parson's [[/red underline]]
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office to discuss several pending matters relating [[red underline]] A.C.S [[/red underline]] and appoint different committees. Talked over Building Committee and went to [[strikethrough]] visit [[/strikethrough]] 
^[[see]] a building which he thinks we ought to buy. Explained my intention of doubling any subscription of any member who gives at least one dollar and thus start the work of the Endowment Committee.
All morning with him. Left on night train [[red underline]] with Pupin [[/red underline]]
April 30. Arrive New York
All day at office. Cornelia is in the hospital
May 1. At office. Testimony against [[red underline]] Van Exem [[/red underline]] who wants to trade mark my name [[red underline]] Bakeland. [[/red underline]] Boresome proceeding between Bricken-