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and also "Misdirected efforts in Chemical Research

May 8.  To New York  Tired and depressed.  Cold weather.

May 9.  Joint meeting of [[red underline]] Societe Chemie Industrielle, Am. Chem. Society, [[?Samerican]] Electrochemical Society Chemical Industry.  Dr. Thomas [[\red underline]] presiding.  Well attended meeting.  I had to make principal address.  Spoke about: [[red underline]] "Why several Chemical Societies and Misdirected efforts in Research" [[\red underline]]  Well attended meeting.  My address well received.  I had been home all day and [[red underline]] felt intensely blue [[\red underline]] and ill and disheartened.  Rain and chilly, and when I drove to New York

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had hardly the courage to proceed.  By the time I [[red underline]] was thru with my speech felt totally different [[\red underline]] happy and interested and relieved of my feeling of headache and depression.  Home midnight.

May 10.  Feel fine today and went to office all [[strikethrough]] day [[\strikethrough]] morning

May 11 (Sunday).  At home all day.

May 12.  [[red underline]] Gave George Roll today a check for buying his house in [[\red underline]] [[?name]] of Paul W. Minich certified = $24000 for which he must give me his note or receipt

May 13.  Raining, raining and cold.  Tired [[red underline]] and disheartened [[\red underline]] and feel ill  Went to office