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and keeps on talking silly talk.  Several other Belgians there all intensely nationalistic and ready to run down anything American or which is not Belgian.  Slept very poorly.

May 21.  Took 10 A.M train for Philadelphia.  Pouring rain.  [[strikethrough]] Medals presented[[\strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Franklin Medal [[\red underline]] for Sir [[red underline]] Ernest Rutherford [[\red underline]] and Dr. Merton.  Medal received for [[red underline]] Rutherford by Chilton [[\red underline]] Attache to British Embassy.  I received it for [[red underline]] Merton [[\red underline]] who is ill and [[red underline]] spoke on [[\red underline]] behalf of Am. Chem. Society mentioning chemical point of view of which guided Merton in his research.

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Whole ceremony rather chilly.  But we all braced up this evening at the dinner of the Philadelphia Club, where there was abundance of cocktails and Scotch, and where everybody limbered up. - A very pleasant occasion.

May 22.  Returned early to New York where got room at University Club.  At lunch, [[red underline]] Van der Grecht [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] [[?Crockaus]], [[\red underline]] two Hoover Scholarship men now in Princeton.  Both only 21 and 22 years and rather [[red underline]] precocious [[\red underline]] and intensely nationalistic and running [[red underline]] down Wilson, America, England, France [[\red underline]] and everything.  A very trying ordeal to keep my patience and observe all the leniency of