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Rossi reports Houghton and Elmore and Jones incompetent also McNabb wants to discharge them.  [[red underline]] I reported that I did not believe in Houghton many many months ago after one days visit. [[\red underline]]  I told to Redman, Rossi and everybody that Houghton did not have his wits about him and that neither he nor Jones nor anybody seemed to know the details of their business.  Am staying at University Club.  I need rest where I can remain undisturbed by noises, telephone etc.

May 23.  At University Club.  Feel more rested.

May 24.  At office all morning.  Heavy showers

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afternoon.  Celine is in Adirondacks.

May 25 (Sunday)  Stayed at University Club all day reading. - All very restful.  Evening drove to Yonkers.  Celine is in Adirondacks will Thursday.

[[underline]] May 26 [[\underline]]  A full day joint session with [[red underline]] Rossi [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] Redman. [[\red underline]]  Evening home in Yonkers, to bed early

May 27.  Went to bank.  Took [[red underline]] $80000 3 1/2 of Liberty [[\red underline]] Bonds deposited in Bankers Trust Co for a loan of $31000 + 30000 = 61000.  Gave George Baekeland a check for [[red underline]] $31000 [[\red underline]] to pay for his house and George Roll [[insert underline]] for Nina [[\insert underline]] an additional check of [[red underline]] $6000 [[\red underline]] for his garage etc.