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May 28.  All day in session Executive meeting  All present.  Busy till late

May 29.  Fuller executive meeting and a directors meeting instead of June meeting.  Declared [[red underline]] a 6% [[\red underline]] dividend for July 1.  Sales about 40% less than last month.  All directors present except Townsend who is in Europe.  [[red underline]] Am rather disgusted [[\red underline]] to find out that [[red underline]] George B and Rossi [[\red underline]] contrary to my opinion plainly expressed to them in January have concurred with Redman to spend over $2000 by [[red underline]] engaging Waldo [[\red underline]] for further work on his magnesium process and now seem even inclined

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to recommend going further.  I spoke very much against this [[red underline]] scattering [[\red underline]] of efforts and [[red underline]] attention and money [[\red underline]] at a time [[red underline]] when the matters  [[\red underline]] on which depends the future of [[red underline]] Bakelite Corporation [[\red underline]] are not being attended to in time and where we risk of pretty soon being involved in reduced income perhaps losses thru infringing competition etc.   It shows me how dangerous it is to rely on the good judgement of the very men on whom I must defend.  Home 8 P.M. hurried supper

[[underline]] May 30.  Decoration day [[\underline]]  Bright and sunny but cold. - [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] back from [[red underline]] Adirondacks. [[\red underline]]  Very much