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busy all day correcting [[red underline]] Merton Address for [[\red underline]] Franklin Institute and [[red underline]] Bender's [[\red underline]] thesis for his PH.D  Hurried sandwich for lunch.  Put these notes in shape up to date.  Open fire in the house and for last nights used electric heater to warm my sleeping room.

May 31.  Long conference with Rossi & Redman where we agreed on new salary adjustments for some men also on mid-year bonus.  All morning uninterrupted as office as closed and no one else was there.

June 1. (Sunday) 1924.  Made a visit to [[red underline]] Ion, [[\red underline]] one of the few beautiful weather

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days.  Restful felt in my element.  Went rowing around, while Lewis and dick varnish the deck.  Feel another man.

[[underline]] June 2. [[\underline]]  To N.Y office all day.  Went to Guaranty Trust Company and repaid my loan of [[red underline]] $24000 [[\red underline]] which I had made for George Roll (Nina Rolls) House.  Paid interest of $73.00 and took my $55000 Liberty Bonds back. - Met Celine at the bank while filing securities away.

June 3.  At office all day.  In morning [[red underline]] Prof. Lamb [[\red underline]] of Harvard came to visit me.

June 4.  [[red underline]] Commencement in Columbia. [[\red underline]]  Procession at 10 AM.  Cloudy and not warm.  Coolest