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working up sales in our products in England.
Told him I advised him to go as early as possible in September if he wants to take a vacation but [[red underline]] not to try to do anything to force the England situation as [[\red underline]] this might compromise our plans for Europe. That October is the month where we are most needed here.
June 6. Early at office. Then went to Chemists Club met [[red underline]] Kellifer [[\red underline]] and told him want his cooperation for endowment fund campaign but asked to keep this confidential until September
[[strikethrough]] Evening went to [[/strikethrough]] Supper at University Club then went to last meeting of season
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of N.Y Section of American Chemical Society. Drove home with Profess [[red underline]] Hill [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] Renshaw [[\red underline]] of N.Y University
June 7. All morning at office  George Roll stayed home to attend to his new house George Baekeland there. Clarence Marsh came for advice.
[[underline]] Sunday June 8. 1924 [[\underline]] Cloudy cool day. Lighted fire in dining room!  [[red underline]] Children of Nina here with nurse. [[\red underline]] Their new house is not ready and Nina is at Cornelia's Rain and cheerless weather. Am trying to select subject for my presidential address in September.
June 9. George Baekeland away on visit to customers with Redman & Swan. I learn now ^[[indirectly]] that [[red underline]] Rossi [[\red underline]] will only be in Painesville to morrow, [[red underline]] exactly one month after it was decided [[\red underline]]