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[[red underline]] urgent for him to go there! [[\red underline]]  He told me [[red underline]] last week that he [[\red underline]] surely would be there last Thursday. Went for examination at Life Extension Institute. My [[red underline]] right front finger has tendon slightly dislocated. [[\red underline]] Report traces of Sugar in my urin. Made special test of blood and further urin examination to morrow. - See report.
June 10. All day at home for collecting samples of urine. Went to visit [[red underline]] ION, this had good effect, feel more cheerful than I have felt for a long time which is not saying [[\red underline]] much.
June 11. Delivered sample - bottles urine, then all day in office. Hays has offered some shares of Roessler Hasslacher to George Roll. Told George Roll [[red underline]] R & H are brewing plans or hopes [[\red underline]] for consolidating R & H with Bakelite Corporation, an excellent plan from their standpoint but not from ours.
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Sanford Brown showed me amended [[red underline]] Bakelite-film [[\red underline]] in our office. Showed him where to cut out Chicago transparent, how to substitute [[strikethrough]] freezing [[/strikethrough]] "hot freezing" of transparent in a test tube and how to change text. Thru at 6 PM. Got a letter from [[red underline]] Baron de Cartier that King Albert has made me Commander of the Order of Leopold. [[\red underline]]
July 12. Cold weather. - An open wood fire in breakfast room! [[red underline]] Skinner of Westinghouse [[\red underline]] visits me at office Evening an open wood fire in Hall and in dining room!
July 13. Lunch [[red underline]] at Chemists Club [[\red underline]] with Col. Ian Walsh and executive committee of [[red underline]] N.Y Section of A.C.S. [[\red underline]] denies advice as to appointment of two representatives of section for local problems of chemical warfare Long talk with [[red underline]] Sandy brown [[\red underline]] that I have concluded we must [[red underline]] postpone price reduction until we know [[\red underline]] better the facts of cost etc.  Aspires [[strikethrough]] At was [[/strikethrough]]
Afternoon Custom house got my license for [[red underline]] ION. [[\red underline]]  Celine is