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June 27. Went to visit [[red underline]] Emelius Jarvis [[/red underline]] then to Toronto Yacht Club for one hour. Afternoon visit to [[red underline]] Lad Miller with Redman, Mills and Weston [[/red underline]] (of Toronto) A very pleasant talk. Then at 6 P.M train for home.
June 28. Arrive Harmon at 7:50AM. Lewis there. Beautiful weather. Then went to see further progress on [[red underline]] Pram [[/red underline]] then went on ION most of day.
[[underline]] June 29 Sunday. [[underline]] Pleasant weather, spent [[strikethrough]] most of day correcting. [[/strikethrough]] all morning correcting my address. Afternoon reading [[strikethrough]] Yeste [[/strikethrough]] Yesterday I have ordered from [[red underline]] Roberts [[/red underline]] Kingston Jamaica a
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bunch of bamboos 15-30 ft long and assorted sizes
1 1/2"-3/4"
2" - 1 1/2"
3" - 2"
4" - 3"
June 30. [[red underline]] Rector Heymares of University of Ghent [[/red underline]] on behalf of University Council requests me to represent Ghent at [[red underline]] Centennial of Franklin Institute [[/red underline]]
July 1. At office all morning. Afternoon drove out to Bayshore with Gielows man to see a schooner yacht which is for sale.
July 2. Met [[red underline]] [[strikethrough]] mas [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Kesanby]] from [[/red underline]] Sankyo and Dr. [[red underline]] Mayoaka [[/red underline]] international lawyer to discuss formation of company with [[red underline]] Japan. [[/red underline]] George Baekeland present and took notes and further meeting left to him