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then more conferences with sales committee etc till 5P.M. A very busy day
[[strikethrough]] Conob [[/strikethrough]] July 3. Clean up most belated work.
Met [[red underline]] Richard Seabury [[/red underline]] with George Roll. Told him our reasons why we want contract eliminated. After he explained his situation told him we are ready to accept their latest proposition and leave contract unchanged by intend to charge them 82c a lb. for resin instead of 70c. [[red underline]] He agrees [[/red underline]] with George Roll that 70c a lb was only a temporary prices and related only to 10000 lbs I also warned him that we shall not be held responsible for any molding mixtures
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made outside our works and may have to notify ultimate consumers of this facts. [[red underline]] He readily agrees to the justness [[/red underline]] of our attitude
Very [[red underline]] friendly meeting [[/red underline]] Urged him not [[red underline]] to drag on with [[/red underline]] present arrangements as Mr [[red underline]] Wickham [[/red underline]] is an old man and if something happens with him everything may be disturbed thereby [[red underline]] Seabury also thanks me for the stern but friendly advice I gave him at our last interview and he expresses resolution of following my advice and stick to his job and forget all side undertakings [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] July 4. [[/underline]] Cloudy and cool remained home all day
July 5. Went to [[red underline]] ION [[/red underline]] with provisions etc to equip her for [[red underline]] cruise to Canada. [[/red underline]] A