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Left under sail 3:40 P.M. towards evening used power, dropt anchor [[left margin]] sketch of anchor [[/left margin]] in N.E. cove of Valcour Island.  Some charming spot.
July 13 (Sunday) went sailing in dinghy with Lewis found Professor Hudson at his usual camp with a Major? from Westpoint.  Afternoon squally and rain & thunder.
July 14.  Bright & cool.  [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]]
[[left margin]] sketch of anchor [[/left margin]] 60˚ F.  Left for [[underline]] Bluff Point. [[/underline]] I went to Champlain Hotel for lunch.  Few guests there some oldish uninteresting tawdry people of all such hotels.  Very bright clear atmosphere.  Wired home.  Left 3:40 P. M. under power.  Dropt anchor Rouses Point 6 P.M.

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Bought gas etc.
July 15/ [[strikethrough]] Got [[/strikethrough]] Declared at Custom house.  Polite attendance was not examined nor given any papers.  Clerk simply made a note in a special book.  Motor Cruiser "Norma"at the wharf (owner L. Shattford Collins) Bought supplies fishing tackle etc.  No telegrams.  Left 11:20 A.M. under power.  Beautiful weather.  Southerly breeze.  Channel well buoyed.  Bridges very prompt in opening.  Arrive St. Johns 2:15 P.M.  Went to Custom House.  Mr. Remi Raymond very courteous wrote out my papers came to look at ION but did not go aboard.  This was his customs inspection.  Then got Canal permit from another