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Professor Dennis and Browne beaming. Old acquaintances. Then Executive committee meeting. I develop my plan for collecting Endowment Fund. Parsons, Howe and Rosengarten favor fund for building. Lamb, Crane and McPherson favor fund for publications first. After deadlock on subject I suggest an accepted compromise and call it [[underline]] "Endowment & building Fund" which [[/underline]] leaves use of fund to future circumstances and to amount collected. This is unanimously accepted. Then afternoon [[underline]] Council meeting. [[/underline]] Expulsion of Burnham unanimously voted.  Started at
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2:30 P.M finished meeting in record time at 5:00 P.M No evening session necessary! At 8:30 P.M meeting of directors [[underline]] Bancroft, Parsons, Talbot and Comey present, [[/underline]] then to bed.
September 9. Formal general meeting. [[underline]] Dr. Farrand* [[\underline]] made good address.
[[vertical annotation in left margin]]
*President of Am. Chemical Society
[[underline]] Poor fellow is ill [[/underline]] and had to leave his bed. Then I presided.  [[underline]] Sir Max Muspratt [[/underline]] made a good improvised address without notes.  [[underline]] Professor Sorensen [[/underline]] read a deadly boresome lecture where he gave figures but forgot to point out the conclusions.  
Sir [[underline]] Robert Robertson [[/underline]] was somewhat more interesting on research