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bed so I am all alone on the program to night Delivered my address: [[underline]] "Prospects and Retrospects" at Baley Hall [[/underline]] before a very appreciative audience Got thru in about half an hour. - This disposes of most of my present responsibilities. [[underline]] Celine says it was good. [[/underline]]
Sept 11. Up early. Sun is out but cool. To meetings and lunch then back to hotel. Local [[underline]] papers and Syracuse give long [[/underline]] accounts of my speech. So does [[underline]] N.Y. Times. [[/underline]] but less complete [[underline]] Tribune & World very scant and badly selected.[[/underline]]  
Evening dinner at [[underline]] Professor Dennis [[/underline]] House. Baley there also several members of Dennis Staff. All listening to my experiments at home brew of wine
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Professor [[underline]] Rhodes [[/underline]] - Applied Chemistry was formerly with Barrett and tells me we ought to investigate higher distilling portion of coaltar passing above phenols, naphtaline and anthracene which is now rather worthless. A very interesting evening - and animated conversation. War day experiences - new developments etc.
Sept 12. Mild and sunny To meetings. Prof [[underline]] Charmot [[/underline]] showed me his very interesting and unusually complete microscopical and optical laboratories on the top floor of Baker Building. He is the most complete department of the kind I ever have visited and will probably influence the organisation