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of similar developments in all newer laboratories in the U.S. Then [[underline]] Dennis [[/underline]] of Belgium came to tell me about his plans and prospects. Took him to lunch in Drill Hall. Then visited Morse Chain Works - afterwards a long talk with [[underline]] Turrentine [[/underline]] who tells me [[underline]] American Potash [[/underline]] situation is progressing and there is every hope of becoming large enough for all home wants. Also his extract from Kelp as remedy for goitre. A restful but interesting day. [[underline]] Celine [[/underline]] went on boat excursion on the Lake and reported a dirty ill managed and very dangerously overcrowded little steamer
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Sept 13. [[underline]] Celine [[/underline]] left early for the Camp. I remained here all day - Rain -
Delightful week. Celine enjoyed it as much as myself. Excellent spirit shown by everybody in the meeting.
Went to sleeper at 9:00 P.M Train left midnight Good rest.
Sept 14 (Sunday) Professor [[underline]] Browne of Cornell [[/underline]] on board took him to University Club for breakfast. Pleasant talk. Then drove to [[underline]] ION [[/underline]]. Ralaco engine is removed but new engine does not fit in the way I expected. Home for late lunch.  All alone [[underline]] Celine is [[/underline]] in camp. Hurried reading of accumulated mail. Restful afternoon.
Sept 15. Busy day at office