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with greyish cod-fish eyes or thick short neck with three prominent fat rumples 
All this on a short stumpy body and the effect enhanced by two big circular eye-glasses, fastened in white celluloid rims,- a shrieky voice, accompanied by gestures and thumping of the fist. The paper itself will read better than it was delivered.
[[in left margin]] [[underline]] Haber [[/underline]] [[/in margin]]
What a contrast of heads when I looked at that head of dear old [[underline]] Lash Miller [[/underline]] who had to hide a smile while listening to Haber. Then what a contrast in personality when [[underline]] A. L. Day of Geophysical [[/underline]] Laboratory gave his dignified well poised talk on Volcanoes. What a further contrast when [[underline]] Bancroft [[/underline]] in his usual
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witty, casual presentation outlined in a few words the scope of colloid chemistry 
What a contrast of personalities and yet they all belong to the "white" race! While I was making those reflexions a stocky very black nigger came to talk to Haber, he was a former pupil of the latter, and as I saw both their profiles [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] one jet black,the other pale colorless white, [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] I tried to imagine Haber with a black skin and he seemed to look more natural in that color. - If he was one of the leading spirits of Germany during the war the old question: who started the war"? seems rather natural to answer. [[strikethrough]] I w N [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] W. H. Nichols [[/underline]] took me to his suite in Bellevue Hotel and kept talking for