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room. Deck lights give good illumination.
Oct 28. A [[underline]] two column article [[/underline]] describing my career has appeared in [[underline]] l' Independance Belge. [[/underline]] I fear this publicity will make my [[underline]] Belgian friends think that I [[/underline]] can do anything and will make [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a quiet]] visit there almost impossible
Wrote [[underline]] Rossi [[/underline]] to ask him why he has not wanted Henry Howard to have the benefit of his advice on phenol-manufacture. - I [[underline]] have repeatedly ask him to do so. [[/underline]] As he did not [[underline]] even answer my letter [[/underline]] after several days I got him and [[underline]] Redman [[/underline]] together in my office alone and had an urgent, serious talk with both of them, impressing upon them my responsibilities and how I cannot face
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them if they do not carry out my instructions after they have agreed to carry them out. Also mentioned how [[underline]] McKee [[/underline]] claims that from that article which was published - without consulting me - on our phenol plant, by [[underline]] Kellifer [[/underline]] McKee had concluded that we are infringing one of his patents. [[underline]] Rossi says we do no longer use this process. [[/underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Afternoon [[/strikethrough]] Went to ION before going to office. Floyd still busy on her.
Lunch at Century then at 4 P.M meeting at [[underline]] Institute International education [[/underline]]: Dr. Waller Jones, Dugan, Mrs Miller Duell, Professor [[underline]] Phelps Stokes [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Morgentau [[/underline]] also present. Supper at University Club.