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the wonderful success his new Division of Chemical Education is receiving everywhere in their recently created Journal of Chemical Education. Their expenses are already covered and subscribers are coming in at the rate of 12 to 15 a day. All this is done under the [[underline]] Division of Chemical Education of the A.C.S. [[/underline]] and opens an impressive field of usefulness hitherto neglected.
Arrive at [[underline]] Cleveland [[/underline]] at 1 P.M. Then lunch with members. Then afternoon more lectures and papers followed by a dinner at 6:20 P.M. Parsons addressing on the conditions of the 
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A.C.S. After the dinner I was to address them but without my knowledge they had arranged a joint meeting with the Cleveland Manufacturers Association so that [[underline]] audience [[/underline]] was [[underline]] very much mixed, [[/underline]] men and women and much larger than I expected. I had to change considerably my subject, so as to adapt it to this unexpected audience. So I put special stress in describing what the chemist meant for the nation and had to forego the main subject I intended to develop before the chemists, and made it much shorter.
Was succeeded by a Mr. [[underline]] Hendricks [[/underline]] President of the